The Fukushima Nuclear Plant
Excessive radiation released during the recent emergency in Fukushima, Japan helps us realize that dangers caused by unforeseen events at nuclear power generating plants pose a realistic threat to our well being. Living with nuclear generators means that we must all be better prepared for the possibility of a nuclear disaster, including Minnesotans. Currently, there are 104 active nuclear reactors located across the United States. With aging plants, increasingly severe weather patterns, global warming, and increasing population density, risk of nuclear accidents increase but by implementing the protective steps that we can take suggested by this post, we empower ourselves to ensure the best outcome possible in the event of such an emergency.
Nuclear Reactors in the US
Dangerous Health Effects of Nuclear Radiation
When Things Go Wrong
Levels and Signs of Radiation Sickness
Radioactive Isotopes How They Affect Us
Preparing for Radiation Exposure
Ensure that Sufficient Reserves of Iodine are Present
Build Your Own Natural Pharmacy and Super Food Supply
Take Heart by Taking Action
How to Obtain Related Products and Services
Comments, Questions, and More Info
Listen to Dr. Pat interviewed by Cherie Ross, nationally recognized therapeutic essential oils expert(65 min) |
I am surely not alone when I say that I find the threat of nuclear disaster in Japan following the powerful earthquake and tsunami unimaginable. What more can a people endure? First the earth shakes, then massive waves of water pour over coast lines and sea walls to sweep away homes and livelihoods, now plumes of smoke ominously rise above nuclear power generating plants. Radiation threatens the lives of the people, their land, and their water. The people of Japan have suffered too much in too little time and Americans watch with prayers and anxious hopes for cooling of the reactors while wondering, Could something like this happen to us in our country?
Nuclear Reactors in the US
According to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission website there are 104 active Nuclear Reactors in the United States. See the following map for their locations:
Many of the reactors are along our coast lines or close to fault lines in the Midwest. Given global change and the increase in extreme weather patterns, higher population areas, and the risk of the potential for earth quakes in the United States, wouldnt it make sense, particularly considering our governments intent to continue to use nuclear reactor plants to generate energy that we prepare ourselves to do what we can to protect our health in the event of a nuclear incident?
Dangerous Health Effects of Nuclear Radiation
In order to better understand the danger, lets first take a brief look at electromagnetic waves.
Energy can be characterized by it’s wavelength and frequency. In the following chart, you can see changing gradations of wavelengths of light and electromagnetic fields. The type of energy determines how how it interact with our bodies. Different energies affect us differently.
You can see that Visible Light is slightly left of center in this diagram (you will also see this chart flipped in the opposite direction, with Visible Light slightly to the right, and the compressed wavelengths moving out to the right; but X-Rays, and Gamma Rays, which are compressed wavelengths, will always be to the side of the purple part of the Visible Light spectrum.) As we move into Gamma Rays and beyond we begin to move into energies that are so powerful that when we are exposed to higher levels of such radiation our cells can be damaged. Nuclear radiation falls into the Alpha, Beta and Gamma levels of radiation. It is highly energized and is dangerous to our health. 4
When Things Go Wrong
Bad thing are not supposed to happen at nuclear plants. But they do. Chernobyl and Three Mile Island haunt us from the past. Despite engineering safeguards put in place, it is impossible to prepare for all contingencies. The reactors at Fukushima were built to withstand powerful earthquakes but not a tsunami as powerful as the one that struck.
Low levels of radiation exist naturally in our environment. We are all exposed to it just by living on planet earth. When we are exposed to higher than normal levels of these wavelengths, however, the excessive level of energy is actually transmitted into our cells and the level of that energy is too high. 5 It literally can cause our cells to IGNITE in a severe inflammatory reaction.
As a result of this extremely energetic transmission, DNA and proteins become excessively excited and heated. The nuclear reactions form isotopes such as Iodine 131, Cesium 137, Strontium 90 and Plutonium 24 that are extremely toxic to the body. Heat can cause the DNA strands to break and proteins which make up our enzymes, hormones, etc., can become denatured. Cells which tend to rapidly divide are more susceptible to damage. Babies and children are therefore even more susceptible to injury than adults.
How much damage is done is determined by the type of radiation (radioactive Iodine, Cesium 127 or other radioactive isotope), the intensity of the exposure, how many and which parts of the body are exposed and the length of the exposure (obviously, the shorter the better!). For example, if our face is exposed then the skin on our face, our eyes, and radiation that we inhale will effect us. If the radiation we inhale contains Iodine 131 it will end up in our thyroid if we do not have protective levels of Iodine already in our system. If it contains other isotopes they will migrate toward tissues for which they have affinity.
Levels and Signs of Radiation Sickness
The measurement for radiation is called a Sievert. The term was coined by a Swedish physicist, Rolf Sievert. The average normal exposure on planet earth is 0.0022 Sv, and increases if we add medical procedures such as CT or X Rays. In a CT Scan we receive 0.01 Sv of radiation. If we had 5 of these in a row we would begin to show signs of radiation poisoning.
According to some accounts, Chernobyl registered 0.8 to 1.5 Sv in the surrounding area. Area within a 200 mile radius was considered toxic. Fukushima has registered 0.7 to 1.2 Sv depending on sources, but most of the higher levels to date being in the very immediate area of the reactors only.
Click here to see the Effects of Radiation on the Body and some context for what people recently experienced in Fukushima.6
Radioactive Isotopes How They Affect Us
Radioactive isotopes are substances which have unstable nuclei that disintegrate and emit electrically charged energy. This may be in the form of alpha, beta or gamma particles or rays. Each isotope has a unique rate of disintegration which is called a half life. Once a sample has reached it’s half life, it will have lost half of it’s atoms. Once it reaches it’s half life again, it will have lost another half and so on. 7
Toxic exposures can affect any part of the body depending on the type of isotope and extent and length of time of exposure.
Free radical damage is consistently experienced in all radiation poisoning.
- Iodine 131
- Iodine 131 specifically attacks the thyroid and to a lesser extent other tissues which uptake iodine. Without immediate illness this can still lead to cancers later in life in the thyroid gland. Cases in Chernobyl occurred in as little as 5 years later in children. Other cases were reported after 10 years. Iodine 131 has a half life of 8 days. So the good news is if you avoid exposure for awhile, it becomes harmless. Iodine 131 can be blocked by heavy dosing of iodine (potassium iodide). Potassium iodide taken in high amounts for extended periods of time can be risky, however. So we need to have other strategies as well.
- Cesium 137
- Cesium 137 has affinity for the bone marrow and exposures lead to blood cell destruction and anemia. It has, unfortunately, a half life of 30 years, so it takes a long time before it becomes harmless. The development of Leukemia is one of the risks associated with Cesium 137.
- Plutonium 24 and Strontium 90
- Plutonium 24 and Strontium 90 and others are isotopes which are found in nuclear radiation which can have profound affects on health due to long half lives.
Preparing for Radiation Exposure
Here are some steps that you can take to improve your outcome in the event of a nuclear emergency.
- Know where your local nuclear reactor is located and exactly how far you work or live from that nuclear plant. See chart above.
- Be prepared to be confined to your home. Gradually accumulate supplies sufficient for one month.
- Make sure you have PLENTY of bottled drinking water. During times of stress we should ingest 3 liters per day.
- Non perishable food.
- Necessary lifestyle items.
- For higher radiation levels, be prepared to evacuate the area.
- Cover your body to reduce exposure.
- Avoid water, milk, and foods from the potentially contaminated area.
- If you live in a colder state, such as Minnesota, prepare for a power failure by planning alternative ways to maintain adequate heat in your home.
- In the event that you are not able to return home when traveling by car, maintain a small back pack or bag with water, some snacks, and additional supportive clothing.
I. Ensure that sufficient reserves of iodine are present in your body and on hand for ingestion should an accident occur.
Manage your iodine levels consciously because they have many health effects. They should be neither too low nor too high.
Low iodine levels often occur because uptake is inhibited by the increased presence of toxins in our modern environment. Low iodine levels affect not only the thyroid gland but all the endocrine organs, the female breasts, digestive enzymes, the skin and the muscles. Low iodine status also increases risk for damage from exposure to iodine isotopes. Because the body craves iodine, absorption happens quickly.
Extremely high iodine levels also cause people to get sick but in different ways. They can result in hypo or hyperthyroidism which in turn can lead to a myriad of ailments. They can also result in allergies and they can cause your salivary glands to become inflamed.
You can manage the level of iodine in your system with iodine supplementation or with intake of high content iodine foods.
Forms of Iodine Supplementation
Iodine supplements come in multiple forms. Iodine consumed in tablet form is potassium iodide. Liquid solutions that combine potassium iodide and iodine also exist. Although potassium iodide tablets are the most common form of iodine supplement available, peoples bodies take up iodine more efficiently from the liquid combinations. Since the liquid combined product is more efficient, the same effects can be achieved with smaller doses. Smaller doses consequently avoid the same degree of health stress incurred with the higher concentration required in tablets. HOLLY HOUSE uses and recommends a liquid solution called Lugols Iodine.
Choosing Iodine Supplementation in Response to Radiation Exposure
In the event of impending radiation exposure, you will want to increase the levels of iodine present in your body Immediately. It will inhibit absorption of the isotope iodine 131 into your tissues and reduce your damage from radiation and therefore reduce the future risk of cancer. Since the toxic effects of the isotope are so powerful, the cost / benefit balance temporarily swings in favor of ingesting what would normally be excessive iodine choosing instead to trade the negative health effects of the excessive iodine off for the protection that it affords against the radiation.
Even in the case of radiation exposure, however, one should not ingest more iodine than would be helpful. Of interest is the alternative medicine research conducted by Dr. Guy Abraham that indicates that as little as 12 13 mg per day of potassium iodide or 2.5 drops of Lugols Iodine or a like combination blocks uptake of radioactive isotopes by 95-97 % in adults.
The FDA recommends the high amounts of iodine in the table below in consideration of the fact that many Americans have substandard iodine levels in their bodies. Those with low pre- exposure levels are at the greatest risk of radioactive iodine uptake into the thyroid and other organs.
How much iodine should be supplemented following a nuclear accident?
The Food and Drug Association (FDA) recommends supplementing with potassium iodide following a nuclear accident The American Thyroid Association (ATA) follows the World Health Organization (WHO) consideration of distance from the source. 8 These parameters are already being followed by France, Ireland, Sweden, and Switzerland.
The following table shows the FDA / ATA / WHO recommended doses for potassium iodide supplementation in the event of radiation exposure. It also shows the doses of Lugols iodine that offer equivalent concentrations (same mg amount) of potassium iodide and iodine.
Notes of Caution on Emergency Level Iodine Supplementation
- Supplement iodine at these levels only when there is actual harmful radiation being emitted in your vicinity. Never do it in the absence of a identified hazard nor simply as a precautionary measure.
- It is best not to continue to supplement at these high levels any longer than is necessary and hopefully not longer than one week.
- One should not begin supplementation if you have already been exposed to radiation. When taken too late, iodine supplements actually lock radioactive iodine into the body.
- The equivalent Lugol’s doses are higher than that recommended by Dr. Guy Abraham’s research.
FDA / ATA / WHO Recommendations for Potassium Iodide Supplementation and Distribution
In Preparation for and Response to a Nuclear Accident
Includes Lugol’s Iodine Equivalents
- 0 – 50 Miles from Source:
- The ATA recommends that each household have sufficient supply of potassium iodide on hand to supply all individuals with the following doses in the event of toxic radiation exposure
Age Adjusted Emergency Level Doses Age Potassium Iodide Lugol’s Iodine Equivalent 0 – 1 mo. 15 mg
(Administer this dose to a new born by dissolving a 130 mg tablet in 8 oz of water. Give the new born 1 oz of the liquid with a dropper. Limit 1 dose)2.5 drops
(Use only one dose in new borns.)1 mo – 3 years 30 – 35 mg 5 – 6 drops 3 – 12 years 65 mg 11 drops > 12 years 130 mg 21 drops
- 50 – 200 Miles from Source:
- The ATA recommends that potassium iodide be pre distributed to local public institutions including schools and hospitals.
- Greater than 200 Miles from Source:
- The ATA recommends that potassium iodide be made available from national stock piles.
Laboratory Testing for Iodine Levels
If you want to be confident that your iodine levels are adequate to minimize your risk from radiation exposure as well as for your overall health, you may choose to measure them with a laboratory test. Click here to jump to the iodine test descriptions below that we offer at HOLLY HOUSE.
J. Build Your Own Natural Pharmacy and Super Food Supply
Radiation exposure is a form of extreme physical stress. As such, your body requires a greater supply of resources to quench free radicals, repair damaged tissue and replace damaged and exhausted components. By having the following supplies on hand, you will supplement your ability to cope with your body’s accelerated demands if exposed to radiation. These include special foods, supplements, and essential oils with an emphasis on Young Living products.
Not to be overlooked, another important way to prepare for toxic exposure is to keep your body as healthy as possible in advance. The super nourished body is at less risk than the poorly nourished body. With proper nutritional status, radioactive isotopes are less likely to be taken up in the body. As detailed above, iodine is the most obvious example. Although cesium, plutonium, and strontium are less tissue specific in uptake, ample availability of trace minerals can block their uptake as well.
The following super foods and supplements can make the difference not only in the short term effects of exposure but also the long range result of isotopes lodging in the body. They also offer many other health benefits as well.
Foods: |
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- When ingested, organic Miso Soup and Paste were found to reduce the toxic effects of ingestion of radiation in food and water in Japan following the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Miso keeps well due to its fermentation and salt content.
- High anti-oxidant combinations of juices are beneficial to stock. Many come in bottles which do not require refrigeration until opened.
- Organic Nori seaweed and Kelp store well dried and are excellent sources of iodine and other important trace minerals. Nori can be roasted by swishing it over a burner if there is electricity. Other wise it can be taken as is with water. The Japanese population has been tested and found to have high protective levels of iodine. They ingest 12 – 13mg per day in sea food and sea vegetables. If there is any good news in Japan, this would be it in that most individuals are optimally protected from thyroid cancer from radiation.
- If the stomach is weak, brown rice cereal or grains are easy on the stomach. Soaking grain in water improves the ease of digestion.
- Any of the fermented foods one tolerates well: Organic raw milk kefir or yogurt, coco kefir, organic apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut, etc. are excellent with their live enzymes and other beneficial components.
- Organic sweet whey provides extremely high levels of trace minerals which protect against radioactive isotopes.
- High quality spirulina and other dried greens stores easily and can be utilized for protein, amino acids and other nutritional support.
- High quality nutritional yeast stores easily and can be utilized as an excellent source of amino acids and protein and B Vitamins.
Supplements and Essential Oils: |
- According to Essential Oil expert, Gary Young, one of the best essential oil combinations for radiation exposure Young Living carries is Melrose. Melrose is a combination of Melaleuca Alternafolia (combats all infections and is anti-inflammatory), Melaleuca Quinquenervia (antimicrobial and antiparasitic), Rosemary (Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory) and Clove Oils (prevents DNA damage and is a very high quality anti-oxidant).
- Longevity oil blend/capsules are also recommended due to the high antioxidant activity. Longevity includes Clove, Thyme (boosts liver detoxification and supports heart, liver and brain) Orange (contains over 90% d-Limonene, an anti-cancer agent, studied in over 50 per reviewed research papers) and Frankincense (shown in research at Ponce Universitiy to combat cellular mutations and resistant cancers).
- Magnesium is a must for the natural home pharmacy. Whether citrate or glycinate magnesium helps with inflammation no matter where we find it in the body. The overall affect of radiation is one of inflammation.
- Keep a good iodine source in your home and make sure you maintain optimal iodine status. I like a supplement from Young Living called Thyromin which is extraordinarily supportive to the thyroid and other endocrine glands. It includes glandulars, Iodine, Myrtle, and other essential oils for support of the endocrine system. Second to Melrose it is an important part of our natural pharmacy in the event of a nuclear accident. Doses of Lugol’s Iodine well below the emergency level can also be beneficial. Use of Thyromin, Lugol’s and other products listed below makes maintaining optimal levels of iodine easy!
- A source of spirulina and other greens is also an important addition to our natural home pharmacy. There are many of these on the market. Make sure you check for quality. I like Young Livings Multigreens with its Bee Pollen, Spirulina, Pacific Kelp and other excellent ingredients. I like the fact that there is a good source again of iodine and also of Choline for cell membrane support. A good greens source can strengthen against radiation damage, promote recovery, and protect and detoxify the endocrine system.
- A whole source of New Zealand organic whey is Balance Complete from Young Living. organic whole whey is very high in trace minerals and provides protection from radiation over all.
- Make sure you are getting strong antioxidant support to avoid free radical damage. Radiation is a major source of free radical damage. A good quality source of Vitamin C and its bioflavinoids should be on hand. Young Living carries Super C. Thorne, Metagenics, and BioGenesis also carry excellent C sources. Young Living probably carries the most powerful antioxidant combination drink that I have seen so far. It is called NingXia Red and its S-ORAC result is very impressive.
- If you are over 40 years of age it is wise to also take Co Q 10 in the form of ubiquinol (Nutrition Dynamics carries an excellent source) to help absorb Vitamin C.
- Carry enough of your usual multi vitamin and mineral supplements, essential fatty acids, etc.., to last a month. During risk of exposure to radiation, it is no time to run out of your nutritional support. Maintaining optimal vitamin and mineral status improves outcome.
Take Heart by Taking Action
Disturbed by the news of people suffering in Japan, it is easy to feel frightened or powerless but take heart, there are things that we can do to reduce the effects of exposure to toxic nuclear radiation. Prepare first by learning then by planning and, over time, work at implementing the steps outlined above. Though nuclear power generation presentsa tough political question with pros and cons on both sides, you may further enhance your sense of empowerment by taking a stand one way or the other. When others are in need, showing compassion helps to heal both the giver and the receiver. Help others in need by sending a small donation or, if feasible, actually participating in the recovery process or by sending them your love and your prayers. Once having prepared as best we can, we can take comfort in that and leave the rest to a higher power.
How to Obtain Related Products and Services
- Foods
- You will find most of the foods recommended to be available through your local natual foods grocer and coops.
- Iodine Tests
HOLLY HOUSE carries two iodine tests to assess your current iodine level. Direct inquiries and purchase requests to our front desk. - The Urine Iodine Spot Test. Urine Iodine Spot Test Kit – $70
A quick snapshot of current levels of iodine in the body often used to evaluate pre-supplementation status. - 24 Hour Urine Iodine Loading Test Kit – $70
An in depth test to evaluate whole body sufficiency for iodine. - Combination Kit – $95
You also have the option of purchasing both simultaneously for the most comprehensive analysis at a reduced price. - Supplements
- If you were referred to this article by a Young Living wholesale member, we ask that you please contact them for Young Living product information. Otherwise, HOLLY HOUSE is happy to help you with information, advice, and product availability. Much is available in our on line stores which you can access above through the sidebar to this post. Lugol’s iodine is available through our front desk. You are also welcome to contact us with product questions through our website or our clinic’s front desk, alternatively, feel free to leave them along with any other questions or comments in the comments section below.
Bromide and Fluoride testing is also available to determine specific toxicity that may be blocking iodine uptake.
Comments, Questions, and More Info
Do you have any other comments or questions about this information? Please take a second to let us know what you think below. Consider:
How do you feel about the health threat of nuclear power generation?
Do you feel that some of the suggestions made here can be helpful to you?
Which steps do you plan on implementing?
- Photo from icelandquest.com ↩
- Find Operating Nuclear Power Reactors by Location ↩
- Image published by www.kollewin.com ↩
- The Merck Index, Twelfth Edition 1781 ↩
- Princeton University ↩
- The Globe and Mail ↩
- The Merck Index, Twelfth Edition p. 1792 ↩
- American Thyroid Association Nuclear Radiation Brochure ↩
I had a small head injury when I fell today and I was told they did three CAT scans not realizing the damage from this scans please tell me what to do to protect my body from this day on whether they be essential oil’s Food or supplements ..thank you so much for your response
I am sorry that I am unable to make recommendations for you for your injury. I have not examined you nor have I had an opportunity to see the results of the CAT scans. Please consult with a naturopathic or functional medicine doctor or functional medicine chiropractor in your area. Good luck in your healing!
I had no idea that radiation could be so damaging. I have never really thought about preparing for radiation exposure before, so thanks for those tips. I will make sure to start stocking up on food, just in case we need to be confined to our home.
Hi, great article thank you! I notice that the last comment made on here was nearly a year ago and I was just wondering what your thoughts are now on food supply from around the globe? With the continued radiation, is there any countries in the world that you would not eat food sourced from there? Also are certain types of food more suseptible to contamination than others? I understand about the accumilation in milk etc, but I am a vegan so am thinking more about seeds, nuts, grains and fresh produce…as well as oils and dried goods etc. Thanks again…I look forward to your reply. 🙂
Hi Angel, I am glad the article was helpful! You ask important questions. What ultimately happens to radioactive isotopes is not my area of expertise but my thoughts are the following: Obviously, I would avoid any produce and sea vegetables from Japan or any source that is within a 200 mile radius of a previous incident. Radioactive Iodine has a much shorter half life than other isotopes so it because a non issue after a certain amount of time. But other isotopes, such as Plutonium and Cesium, unfortunately, have a very long half life so they are a significant problem. Wind currents and possibly ocean currents, can transport these isotopes around the world. Dust storms from one area can mobilize soil into the wind currents and it is difficult to say where isotopes may ultimately come to rest. This fact makes it difficult to say where the highest levels of soil isotopes may be found.
Staying healthy is an important goal. Along with radioactive isotopes we are also affected by approximately 85,000 different chemicals in our environment on a daily basis. We can either feel overwhelmed and paranoid about this or we can, simply, do our very best to stay as healthy as we can. Eating as locally as we can (unless we live in Japan or close to another former incident such as Chernobyl) and knowing our farmers and distributors makes a big difference. As you already know, eating organic is very important. it is also important, since we are being exposed to many chemicals in our air and environment, to detoxify on a somewhat regular basis. Radioactive isotopes seem to have a negative effect on our lymphatic system along with other organs. Cleansing, using lymphatic drainage massage, Raindrop therapy, keeping higher antioxidant levels in the body, using therapeutic grade essential oils internally and topically (I use Young Living – you can sign up on our website if you do not know anyone locally) can also be helpful. Using mindful visualization of your body being very healthy is important as well.
We help our patients stay healthier by running various laboratory tests to monitor their over all health. By monitoring their health status, other than solely relying on how they feel, our patients can avoid rising levels of toxicity in their systems. You may want to consider including such evaluations in your own plan to keep healthy.
We do know through research about longevity that keeping a positive, loving, proactive state of mind and having a positive mission in life are two of the most important factors in staying healthy even if we are exposed to toxins. So keep that foremost in your mind and do your very best to drop any “worry or anxiety” about toxins. Take the action steps you need to take and then enjoy your life!
Very solid article on many aspects of dealing with radiation I’d never thought of. While the tragedy in Japan has us all riveted to news coming from there, it’s still on the other side of the world causing many of us to think of it in the abstract.
As you point out, when you consider we actually have *two* nuclear plants on either side of the Twin Cities (Monticello and Prairie Island near Red Wing) one can quickly see that any hiccups in either will make us all much more aware of dealing with radiation!
Thank you, Steve.
I had a bit of a wake up call when I researched locations of plants. I had always assumed we were further away than we actually are. I was shocked. Both our home and work are within 50 miles. So we are slowly building our supplies, keeping our nutritional status on the optimal side, and hoping we will never actually have to rely on the emergency items!
What happens when food is contaminated? If parts of the country i.e. N. CA, are showing cesium in strawberries, spinach, arugula, kale, etc, and So CA might not be testing as stringently, what if it’s here in our food? What then? These are foods that can help fight off radiation effects, as kelp, miso, garlic, and rosemary, apples (for the pectin). The West Coast has a lot of agriculture that is continuously getting plumes from Japan overhead (and dropping radioactive cesium, xenon, and iodine). What do we do then if food is tainted but we need their properties? Is it better to eat them and hope their strong properties are going to continue to help flush out the toxins? Or, should I get a sprouter? I have not yet found an answer to this and hope you can shed some light on this dilemma.
You raise a difficult question. But first, where are you obtaining your information indicating cesium levels are higher than normal in produce from Northern California? Is it a reliable source?
If it is a reliable source and you want to protect yourself I would recommend that you consume pre- bottled multi greens. (Nutrition Dynamics carries an excellent multi green as does Metagenics, also carried by Nutrition Dynamics, and Young Living carries an excellent multi green called MultiGreens. All of these are available through this website, just check out the vendors mentioned and you can order by clicking on the appropriate vendor) Also consume organic whey, miso and other nutritionally dense foods and supplements that will protect you from the increase in radiation. These are high in trace minerals and will help to prevent the uptake of the radioactive minerals. These were bottled and packaged prior to exposure and come from various sources, and would not be affected by the recent increase in radiation.
If you are concerned about radioactive iodine, do remember that it does have a relatively short half life and will not be toxic beyond a certain amount of time. (Cesium, Strontium and Plutonium have much longer half lives, unfortunately). Crows Lugols iodine is a great safe way to increase your iodine uptake so you can block radioactive iodine in the event you are exposed to it. As a preventive measure I would not take more than 10 to 12 mg of iodine per day. This amount is consistent with the amount taken by the average Japanese citizen through food and is considered safe. Check the article for dosage amounts.
I am trying to think what I would do if I was in your shoes and there was a reliable source indicating too high levels of radioactive materials in my fruits and vegetables. I believe I would cut back on my intake of those fruits and vegetables, obtain fruits and vegetables from another source if possible (indoor cultivated hydroponics? Clean water source?) and increase my intake of the items listed above. I do believe that sprouting would be another good way to get fresh food that is clean. In that way you are still getting the nutrients you need to block the uptake of isotopes and are not adding additional isotope to your body through contaminated fruits and vegetables.
It is helpful to remember that in research that was done on those who were exposed to radiation at Chernobyl not everyone developed problems from the exposures. We believe that people who have excellent high nutrient dense food and supplement intake on a daily basis are less likely to be affected by radioactive isotopes (excepting high exposures) since the body is not hungry for nutrients and does not uptake the radioactive isotopes, effectively blocking them.
So the best protection is to follow a healthy lifestyle. Avoid too much sugar and white floor products. Maintain a healthy state of mind instead of one of anxiety or anger which increase stress and dysfunction of the bodys physiology. Exercise as you are able. Utilize the super nutrient dense foods as discussed above and in the article. Live that way and enjoy your life. And be prepared so you know you have done what can be done. Good luck to you!
Great article! Thank you for such a thorough and informative piece that can help us all be more aware.
You are welcome! I realized that we are within 50 miles of a nuclear plant when I wrote the article. That was news to me.
I wish there was an energy solution that would offer us electricity without harm or risk to the planet.
How concerned should we be about radiation from routine sources including medical technology?
We are exposed to some radiation just from the sun. This is normal but excess radiation is never a healthy thing and you should try to minimize it. Of course, you must weigh the pros and cons of each exposure. If you follow the nutrition advice above, it will help you to cope better.
How do isotopes enter the body?
Isotopes escaped from a failed reactor would mix with the environment. They could be in the water you drink, attached to dust particles floating in the air that you breath, and in the food you eat. They enter your body in all the ways that the environment always does.