One of our long time clients brought her little guy in yesterday for a bio energetic session concerning toilet training. He was having very good success with urinating in the toilet, but refused to use the toilet for his bowel movements. So Mom thought she would bring him in to see if we could shift […]
Straightening Scoliosis With Chiropractic and Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
GREAT NEWS for children and adults with scoliosis! Here is the story. One of my patients, a 12 year old female isĀ a wonderful, active, young person. She came in yesterday with her Mom and Sister. We have been treating her for scoliosis Since December of 2012. A Diagnosis is Made This young person […]
Video Picks: Toxic Chemicals and GMO – Good Reasons to Eat Organic
Consuming foods laden with toxic chemicals and those grown from GMO seeds seriously threaten our health much more than we previously believed. Here are three videos that will help you understand why it is critically important for you, your family members and your pets to avoid these two types of “non” foods. Genetic Roulette […]
From Breast Cancer to ADHD to Thyroid Disease – Discovering and Correcting the Hidden Link
The Hidden Link Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer, ADHD, Skin Disease and Thyroid Disease often share a very interesting and frequently overlooked condition. All of these serious health challenges have been associated with poor iodine status. 1 Does this surprise you? It did me. Iodine Levels Affect Many Tissue Types Although low iodine […]