SpectraCell’s Comprehensive Nutrition Panel
Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a clearer understanding of your nutritional needs so that you could more easily select the most relevant products while confidently passing on the rest? Let me tell you about a new lab panel designed to help you do just that.
Sneaky Addictions – Watch Out!
One of my patients decided to give up alcohol a number of months back. She noticed that she was starting to crave more and more of the fruity stuff and realized that her health seemed to be deteriorating with rewarding that craving. Now off the alcohol she’s feeling a lot better, stronger emotionally and has […]
Affordable Care Act – Affordable For Whom?
I am going to come clean on this. I supported the idea of the Affordable Care Act. I believe people should have access to affordable medical care. Unfortunately, for those of us not fortunate enough to enjoy subsidies, I do not believe that medical insurance has so far been all that affordable. So, when my […]
Oh My Gosh Awful to Extraordinary
A couple of weeks ago I saw a young woman who has turned out to be pretty inspiring. She was typical of those members of the younger generation who have fallen into the trap of advertising and are consuming the non foods so prevalent in our country. She came into the clinic because she had […]
Video Picks: Toxic Chemicals and GMO – Good Reasons to Eat Organic
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Consuming foods laden with toxic chemicals and those grown from GMO seeds seriously threaten our health much more than we previously believed. Here are three videos that will help you understand why it is critically important for you, your family members and your pets to avoid these two types of “non” foods. Genetic Roulette […]
Is Mercola Right to Embrace Coffee?
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It is true, as Dr. Mercola cites, that there is significant research demonstrating the benefits of coffee to our health. Personally though, I still have reservations about recommending it to you for health reasons, particularly if you are a woman. Why? I have seen too many of my female patients resolve chronic conditions, most commonly […]
Reflections on Nutmeg essential oil
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While enjoying the fragrance of therapeutic grade essential oils, have you ever suddenly become aware of one of them calling out to you in such a fashion that you simply could not get enough of that particular oil? I bet this very moment you are shaking your head, “Yes!” So many of us have had […]
From Breast Cancer to ADHD to Thyroid Disease – Discovering and Correcting the Hidden Link
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The Hidden Link Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer, ADHD, Skin Disease and Thyroid Disease often share a very interesting and frequently overlooked condition. All of these serious health challenges have been associated with poor iodine status. 1 Does this surprise you? It did me. Iodine Levels Affect Many Tissue Types Although low iodine […]
Lessons from Fukushima and Ways to Protect Your Health from Nuclear Radiation
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1 Excessive radiation released during the recent emergency in Fukushima, Japan helps us realize that dangers caused by unforeseen events at nuclear power generating plants pose a realistic threat to our well being. Living with nuclear generators means that we must all be better prepared for the possibility of a nuclear disaster, including Minnesotans. Currently, […]