Another delightful email came to Adam in our office from one of our clients, a man suffering from alignment-related chest pains: “Hey would you let Pat know that since the middle of the session yesterday, I feel absolutely FAB-ulous. On a cloud. And the shift in the feeling in my sternum is absolutely phenomenal. My […]
Baby Benefits

When one of our patients brought in her little baby boy for colic he was so miserable no one was getting any sleep. Mom hoped to relieve baby’s distress as well as she and her husband’s! We assessed the little guy and found several bio energetic imbalances. We treated him and sent both home cautioning […]
Aligning Body and Spirit

Our friend and client sent us this testimonial about her success with our Advanced Alignment Classes and our spiritual approach: Since 1986, I have been a patient of Dr. Patricia Lawler, DC, and will continue to seek her innovative holistic approach to healing our bodies, healing ourselves. Throughout these past decades Dr. Lawler has adopted […]
All Things are Possible

“Knowing how powerful thoughts and intentions are was an awakening for me.And to think that I can affect all living things globally was truly a revelation.” I recently received correspondence from one of my patients that started off with those two beautiful sentences. I just had to share it with you since it’s so delightful […]
Take Control of Your Family’s Health

So many of us assume that we’re at the mercy of microbes, germs and airborne agents and have no real way of preventing disease. While we each care about our own health, body, mind and spirit, caring for our family is usually uppermost in our minds. Our Alignment classes teach strategies and techniques to protect […]