Demonstrating Unprecedented Results
The NeuroResearch weight loss program has been used by itself or in combination with other interventions to help thousands of patients succeed at last in losing weight and keeping the pounds off. Statistical analysis of the NeuroResearch weight loss program using data from over 650 clinics and over two million patient treatment days has shown the following results:
- 90% of patients who follow the program make goal weight in nine months
- average weight loss in the first month was 16.9 pounds
- average weight loss for the first year was over 90 pounds
HOLLY HOUSE enhances the success of the NeuroResearch program by drawing upon tools and insights from other natural techniques and disciplines to offer a program unlike any other.
Weight Loss Often Begins in the Brain
Extra pounds and inches can increase your risk for very serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, common cancers in men and women and even gallstones and arthritis. If youre ready to make an important change in your life, read on to learn how our weight loss program can help you control your appetite and reduce your risk of serious weight related health problems.
Contained within our time tested belief in natural foods and lifestyle, we offer a scientifically based weight loss program that can help you lose a few pounds fast, achieve intensive weight loss objectives, or anything in between. Designed and introduced by NeuroResearch, it is based upon the premise that weight loss begins in the brain and specifically by enhancing the way your brain communicates your feeling of hunger.
How Your Brain Sends Signals to Your Body
Your brain is constantly sending signals to your body. These signals are carried by chemicals known as Neurotransmitters. They control your bodys metabolism, including your appetite. Although there are many chemicals that serve as neurotransmitters, the most important for weight control are serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine.
Stress, poor diets, pharmaceuticals, especially some antidepressants and weight loss drugs, toxins and genetics can cause imbalance and deficiency in these neurotransmitters. Such imbalance can in turn cause many chronic mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges including uncontrolled appetite leading to excessive weight gain.
Food for Thought and Weight Loss
For a weight loss program to be effective, it is necessary to restore appropriate appetite signals by restoring any depleted amino acids. Ones own body will normally restore them itself if it has access to the necessary combination of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Though these nutrients are commonly available in food, the concentration is insufficient and the amount of food required would be more than the average person could eat and retain a normal weight. With proper supplementation, however, the body will repair the amino acid deficiency by producing new neurotransmitters. Balance is restored and the metabolism adapts to use the calories consumed more efficiently and reduce your appetite so that you no longer feel the need to eat more than you need.
Ingredients for Success
The power of the NeuroResearch program lies in the application of a well-defined proven protocol with the following five fundamental elements at its core:
Proprietary Supplementation
The best way to lose weight fast is to lower your consumption of calories. The problem with calorie reduction has been that it is hard for people to do so successfully because they normally become very hungry. This is where the magic of the NeuroResearch supplements play a role. The NeuroResearch supplements are a unique nutritional product that manage food and hunger cravings in a way that is healthy and safe. By replenishing their neurotransmitter reserves, patients can drastically reduce their caloric intake without discomfort. NeuroResearch developed the D5TM program that features a formula of amino acids, vitamins and minerals designed to provide the body with neurotransmitter precursors and support nutrients to optimize the brains processing and signaling to the rest of the body and correct the chemical imbalance that is often the root cause of uncontrolled appetite.
The Neuro Research Computer Program and Database
A major problem behind the management of weight loss has been the inability to accurately predict the results of a given protocol. Patients might loose weight for months but find their actual targets seem forever out of reach. Overtime they often become discouraged and lose interest and/or readjust their target to something less ideal. Neuro Research has addressed this problem by providing us with a unique mathematical model developed from extensive research and clinical data. The model accurately predicts what is required of a patient to reach a certain goal by a certain date. Conversely, if the patient were to pursue a certain regimen, it would predict the results (s)he would achieve at any given date. The visibility afforded by this model provides much better ability to manage a program well in advance. Patients and practitioners have a clear understanding of their actual and intended results. Patients are more likely to stay committed to their goals and more likely to have success. The database shows, that when used properly, the computer program increased group weight loss by 60%.
Clinical Supervision and Regular Office Visits
Regular check-in keeps you on track by defining your goals, planning the daily details of your process, measuring your progress, and adding accountability to your commitment. They increase your ability to implement your program and your motivation to follow through. They also ensure your safety against the health hazards of losing weight too quickly. There is a marked statistical correlation between those that keep their appointments and those that achieve their goals.
Calorie Counting and Diet Journaling
Vigilant calorie consumption is your key to weight reduction and an important learning tool. Journaling is an effective way for you to develop consciousness around the changes that you are making and your relationship with food. Patients normally become proficient with some experience and find that these practices become second nature.
Comparing Alternative Techniques
Traditional approaches based upon diet and exercise alone can be healthy, natural, and safe when a program observes a persons unique requirements and limitations but they ordinarily fail to yield desired results for moderate to intensive weight loss goals.
Neurotransmitter targeting pharmaceuticals typically yield short term improvements by shuffling neurotransmitters about but compound the problem in the long term by exacerbating preexisting deficiencies. Other weight loss options on the market include prescription and over the counter drugs or herbs that inhibit natural digestive processes or stimulate the metabolism to burn more calories. Such products include Xenical, Phentermine, Dexatrin, and Ephedra. The prescription medications are more expensive, none are as effective, and all cause undesirable side effects.
What’s My Next Step?
New patients begin with a weight focused examination. You may choose either the weight exam or the integrated exam with a weight loss focus if you would like to address a broader set of health needs. Current patients can begin the program without a preliminary examination. A body composition analysis would be useful in either case.
If you are committed to improving your health and well being by by losing excess weight, see our First Appointment Options and contact us to schedule your appointment today.